Senin, 24 Januari 2011

TVI ???

TVI Express is a good old fasion PYRAMID SCHEME/SCAM. Anyone who has been to college or watches the news would know that. The only people who make money are the first 1 - 5% who get in. The rest can't. They are the ones who's money goes to the people at the top. This is the same thing Bernie Madoff did, and he is in federal prison....

TVI Express adalah  SKEMA PIRAMIDA / SCAM gaya lama. Siapapun yang telah kuliah atau melihat berita akan tahu itu. Satu-satunya orang yang berhasil mendapatkan uang adalah yang pertama 1 -% 5 yang masuk Sisanya tidak bisa berhasil. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang uangnya pergi kepada orang-orang di atas. Ini adalah hal yang sama Bernie Madoff melakukannya, dan dia berada di penjara federal ....

TVIexpress is declared illegal pyramid scheme by Federal court in Australia.
TVIexpress marketers sentenced to prison in China for promoting pyramid scheme.
Cease and Desist Order against TVIexpress in state of Georgia, USA.
Police action against TVIexpress in Sikkim, India.
Police investigations against TVIexpress in Republic of Georgia,Tadjikistan, Hungary.

TVIEXPRESS dinyatakan skema piramida ilegal oleh Pengadilan Federal di Australia.
Pemasar TVIEXPRESS dijatuhi hukuman penjara di China untuk mempromosikan skema piramida.
Berhenti dan berhenti Order terhadap TVIEXPRESS di negara bagian Georgia, Amerika Serikat.
Polisi bertindak melawan TVIEXPRESS di Sikkim, India.
Polisi investigasi terhadap TVIEXPRESS di Republik Georgia, Tadjikistan, Hungaria.

View Poll Results: What do you think about TVI?
TVI is money Game 290 50.88%
TVI is scam business 160 28.07%
TVI is good opportunity for Business 76 13.33%
TVI is one of money laundering 43 7.54%
I just need Free 6night7day on 3-5star hotel from TVI 24 4.21%
I just want to get USD500 and USD10,000 from TVI 39 6.84%
I already cheated by TVI 25 4.39%
I already got benefit from TVI 35 6.14%
I will join TVI after read this thread 27 4.74%
I will never join TVI after read this thread 124 21.75%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 570. You may not vote on this poll

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